Tuesday, May 10, 2016

May Newsletter: Powering Your Customer’s Journey with CIAM


A New Era for Janrain:

A Message from Founder and CTO, Larry Drebes

Today is a great day! In the last year we’ve experienced notable growth and expansion and we’re now positioned to move forward with a long-time goal of mine – for me to focus more intensely on my role as CTO. With that, I’m pleased to announce that Jim Kaskade will join the Janrain family as CEO.

Please join me in welcoming Jim!

Attend our Live Webinars

Customer Identity and Access Management Trends: a fireside chat featuring Merritt Maxim, Senior Analyst at Forrester Research, and Marla Hay, Director of Product Management at Janrain

May 26 at 2:00pm ET/11:00am PT

Register Now


For the latest content and a complete list of our upcoming events, webinars, and more visit janrain.com/resources.

Janrain 519 SW 3rd Ave
Suite 200
Portland, OR 97204

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