Tuesday, June 13, 2017

GDPR Part 3: Demystifying the Operational Requirements - Live Webinar June 22

Hi There,

I'm writing to invite you to Part 3 of our GDPR webinar series titled " Demystifying the Operational Requirements" on June 22 at 10:00am EST / 15:00 BST.

Join me and our featured guest Aaron Simpson, Partner and a leader of the privacy and cybersecurity practice at Hunton & Williams, for a lively discussion as we aim to dispel confusion surrounding many of the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation set to take effect on May 25, 2018.

Insightful Q&A and myth busting is anticipated and attendees can expect to learn about:
  • Expert tips for navigating the GDPR from a practical business and operational perspective.
  • The difference between affirmative and explicit consent and best practices in obtaining consent from customers.
  • The scope of data subject rights, such as the right of data portability and the right to be forgotten, and how to respond to customers asserting them.
  • The interplay of legitimate interests and data subject rights.
  • When DPIAs are required and DPOs need to be appointed.
  • The value and legal significance role of the GDPR recitals and Article 29 Working Party Guidelines
We welcome any questions you'd like addressed during the webinar in advance and encourage you to invite colleagues and business partners you believe will benefit from learning about GDPR.

Register today

I really hope you can make it!

Lewis Barr
General Counsel and VP, Privacy

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