Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Your Amazon.in order #406-3877387-1449148 of 1 item has been dispatched

Shipping Confirmation
Order #406-3877387-1449148

Hello ronal,

We thought you'd like to know that we've dispatched your item(s). Your order is on the way. If you need to return an item from this shipment or manage other orders, please visit Your Orders on Amazon.in.


Wednesday, March 3

Track your package
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Your item(s) is (are) being sent by Amazon Transportation Services. Your tracking number is: 262156520461. Please note that a signature may be required for the delivery of the package.

Order summary

Item Subtotal: Rs.210.00
Shipping & Handling: Rs.40.00
POD Convenience Fee: Rs.0.00
Shipment Total: Rs.250.00
Payment Pending: Rs.250.00

Track your order with the Amazon App.

We hope to see you again soon!

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