Thursday, October 19, 2017

Webinar: Is Your Access Control Management Ready For 2018?


Is Your Access Control Management Ready For 2018?

Register now to learn a modern approach to managing trust and access in real-time.

As digital experiences grow more sophisticated and IoT devices proliferate the complexity of managing trust and access in real-time is growing. It is no longer enough to just ensure proper and secure authentication of registered users. Modern digital sites require fine-grained control over which services and data a user is authorized to access depending on a variety of criteria that might change dynamically.

Join us for a webinar on November 2nd, in which Symphonic CEO Derick James and Janrain's Sven Dummer discuss what a modern approach to access control can look like and illustrate how to address some of the biggest challenges, including:

  • How to define and enforce fine grained access policies 
  • What different authentication concepts to use: Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC), Adaptive Authentication / Risk-Based Authentication (RBA)
  • How to reduce cost and complexity, and increase agility by centralizing and abstracting access control from underlying applications 
  • How to use trust frameworks as a foundation for providing a single, enterprise-wide view of your data and services ecosystem and the users who access it, regardless of the number of applications involved 
  • How centralized access can help you comply with regulatory requirements or industry standards, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), NY DFS Cybersecurity Regulation, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), or Service Organizational Controls (SOC)
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